Connecting people one link at a time.
Banner Advertising $12.00 per Year
Your banner hosted and advertised all over the world.
Learn before you earn.
150 Mailer

150 Mailer


Click Voyager

Click Voyager

Traffic Exchange

Super Tools Max

Free Ads VIP

Viral Advertising System

Super Tools Max

Super Tools Max

The Internet Tool

Viral Traffic Genie

Viral Traffic Genie

Traffic exchange

Roxxtter Club Traffic

Roxxtter Club

Business Club

xpress Traffic

xpress Traffic

Traffic Echange

Submit Ads 4 Free

Submit Ads 4 Free

Traffic Echange



Web2/Web3 Reward Programs

YMC Empire

YMC Empire

Affiliate Marketing

Speedy Text Ads

Speedy Text Ads

Traffic Exchange

Pizza Plan

Pizza Plan

Affiliate Program

Postman Hits

Postman Hits

Traffic Exchange

Traffic Hits 4U

Traffic Hits 4U

Traffic Exchange

Profit Clicks Pariah

Profit Clicks Pariah

Traffic Exchange

VIP Service

Lifetime TE

Traffic Exchange

Crazy Ad Site Mailing

Crazy Ad Site

Ad Service

Absolut Mailing

Absolut Mailing

Email Advertising

AdBiz Ventures

AdBiz Ventures

Traffic Exchange Site

7 Dollar Club

7 Dollar Club

Affiliate Site

Top Dog TE

Top Dog TE

Traffic Exchange Site

Top Dog Mailer

Top Dog Mailer

Viral Mailer Site

$16 Business Plan

$16 Business Plan

Affiliate Site

Ads Earn Network

AdsEarn Network

Affiliate Site

Traffic Ad Bar

Traffic Ad Bar

Traffic Site

CB Pro Ads

CB Pro Ads

Affiliate Site

Stand Out TE

Stand Out TE

Traffic Exchange Site

Treasure Hunting Traffic

Advertise Free

Traffic Exchange Site

Treasure Hunting Traffic

Treasure Hunting

Traffic Exchange Site

Earn Day Night

Earn Day Night

PTC Site

Hot Flash Hits

Hot Flash Hits

Traffic Exchange Site

Transit Hits

Transit Hits

Traffic Exchange Site

Love My Promos

Love My Promos

Traffic Exchange Site



Traffic Exchange Site


50 Miles

Traffic Exchange Site

Viral Traffic Games

2Prosper Traffic

Traffic Exchange Site

Team Build Club

Team Build Club

Affiliate Program

Transit Hits

Great Builders

Affiliate Program

These displayed banners are called performance ads. The banners are displayed based on the number of impressions assigned to them from your ePayTraffic account. Visit and see the banners on the home page. This is free advertising for ePayTraffic members.

Performance Ads are displayed on various sites withing the FJWI network. We are continuously improving so check again later to see our progress.

Our Visitors

New tracking system is currently in progress.

Last Updated: January 9, 2023


More coming soon.

Get your banners hosted and advertised at the lowest possible price. For only $12.00 we take care of hosting your favorite banner image and we send visitors to your favorite destination. The base price will not go up. We will be adding more features and functionality to your ad campaign to help you achieve your advertising needs.

Pricing and details of value added features coming soon.

One Year Banner Hosting and Advertising

Banner Link
Destination Link

$12.00 USD for 1 Year

How it works

In the form above, you provide a 125x125 banner link and a destination link for the site you want advertised. Once your purchase has cleared your provided information will be used to add your banner to this page. This page will be hosted and advertised on various sites for a minimum period of 1 year.

About fjGraphics, Your Image Server


Jacques (Jack, FJ) Arseneault

Let's Work Together

Powered by FJ World Inc Technologies.